Sav Pushparajah
Sep 30, 2022
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3 min
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Product management
Conscious Product Management

Partnering for success with Conscious Product Management (CPM)

In these uncertain times for individuals and businesses, attention (unfortunately) turns to fixed costs such as rent or permanent employees. Even organisations that believe that resources (e.g. people) need to be owned to get the right outcome are being forced to think differently.

In my freelance capacity I have been lucky enough to work with three organisations who work really, really well with 3rd parties (let’s call them partners from here on) to achieve awesome outcomes, all whilst minimising risks and keeping costs more variable. I will write about all of these organisations in future blogs when the founders are ready, but I thought I would start with sharing a story from Bondi Legs (full disclosure this is my wife’s business) that may help other businesses who are thinking about engaging partners in these uncertain times.

With my product coach hat on I have been helping Bondi Legs utilise the Conscious Product Management (CPM) framework to achieve some amazing outcomes, whilst remaining completely self funded and maintaining very low fixed costs. In this blog I will focus on how Bondi Legs articulated its purpose and the origination of its design principles to set up successful partnerships. These partnerships not only produced great outcomes, but did so with less management overhead and and rework than I have seen in the past, whilst also enabling partners to suggest relevant product innovations without being prompted.

Memorable purpose story

Breige (the founder) grew up on the beach and loved spending time in the ocean looking up at the world from under the water. She visited a beach in Mullaitivu (in Sri Lanka where her father-in-law grew up) that had not been cleaned in some time and was shocked to see how much rubbish there was. Breige knew that if she didn’t realise the extent of the problem others wouldn’t either, so her purpose was clear — raise awareness about the damage we are doing and rid the ocean of waste.

Origination of design principles

Fashion industry is the world’s second biggest industrial polluter. Everything Bondi Legs does should remove waste, not make it. People should be able to buy less, but wear it for different occasions (multiwear). Customers should want to wear Bondi Legs all the time because they are buttery soft. Passers-by should turn and ask, “where did you get those?”, so you can raise awareness and have a conversation about how they are made from regenerated ocean waste.

With Bondi Legs’ partners relating to the purpose, understanding the problem and having clarity on the design principles, they have been able to suggested great ideas, such as underwear made from offcuts, which have been successfully brought to market.

In these uncertain times there are so many partners out there that are hungry and ready to help you innovate. I urge you to find them and enable them to help you achieve amazing outcomes!

Product management
Conscious Product Management
Partnering for success with Conscious Product Management (CPM)
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Sav Pushparajah
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