Sav Pushparajah
Sep 30, 2022
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2 min
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Product management
Community focused
Positive impact products

Conscious Product Management

Recently the business round table, a group of CEOs from nearly 200 major corporations, redefined the purpose of a corporation. They did this as expectations right across the world shifts as we fight climate change, corruption, inequality and more. It’s no longer good enough to simply make money for shareholders at any cost. Customers want their expectations exceeded, communities want positive impact and employees want continuous growth and learning.

In the coming decade, it is going to be more important than ever before that we are conscious of customers, communities, employees, partners and shareholders and consider the potential positive and negative impact of our products or services on each of these parties.

Until now, I have not had a name for what I have been practicing for the last few years, but Conscious Product Management sounds right and for me it is about 4 key areas.


  1. Purpose Driven: Ideally, what does the world look like when you succeed and is it going to inspire those you engage with to go the extra mile?
  2. Human Centred: Start with a real person (customer, employee, partner etc.), understand their struggle and design an experience that is aesthetically memorable.
  3. Customer Obsessed: It is much more difficult to acquire a customer than retain one, so what are you doing to keep your customer and make them proud of being a customer?
  4. Data Informed: How can we remove bias. What is the data telling you that your customers are not. Are there any unintended uses that could positively or negatively impact the world. What are we doing to invest in or stop these?


I am constantly learning and refining my definition of Conscious Product Management, but in up coming blogs I will write more about my practical experience (good and bad!) implementing it.

Till then β€” stay conscious!

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Product management
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Product management
Community focused
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Conscious Product Management
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Sav Pushparajah
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2 min
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